Let the breath finish
Let your soul be full
Let it grow to the peak
Doesn't matter if you don't live for all the time
But let yourself exist and at every second being a renaissance
A long murmur.
Soul is in the journey which the body chariots
But it's not the journey of war, nor blood bath
Is there fulfilment in winning wars!
Life is just almost an emptiness!
Yet guided and lead by the laws of the universe
It's accomplish when we retain our savour
For what is a salt when it loses its taste!
Juxtaposition of triumph is a deep attachment to the vacant.
Devote your life for service while you're still yet alive
Earthmen can do nothing in the beyond
For a little help, a little kindness, changes a life
Lost yourself in search of sorrows clouded by pains that are spread over the world
Make humanism your religion.
Let your essence be filled with sympathy and let empathy flood your inclination
In worshiping kindness, and peace
You rouse a never ending renaissance
Let the work be your identity oh, you earthman.
Written by_Madhaba Naik and Albert Benjamins