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Fallen angels

Writer: Sile BlogSile Blog

The Bible tells us about angels who were expelled from heaven (Revelation 12:7-9). The word "fallen angels" is not mentioned in the scripture but it's the best way they are described. These were God's own angels who run the affairs of heaven along side with the creator God. The event that lead to their expulsion was mainly disobedience and going against God. They lust after human women as recorded in the book of Genesis 6:1-4, they took to their self wives and the un-inviteable happened, they began to procreate (Genesis 6:4) and made gigantic offspring of about 450 foot tall, that is about the height of a 42 storey building approximately. These were really mighty men, you could imagine! (I'm sure the 15 cubit measures of water of the great deluge at Genesis 7:20 were the measurement of their arm, (1 cubit is a measurement from the tip of your middle finger to your elbow).

These angels upon coming down, they took human wives and produced supernatural Hybrid offspring, the Nephilim. These allen ones and their offspring did many other things also, splicing their angel, the Human and Animal DNA creating Giants, Werewolves, Reptilians/Serpentman, Satyrs(Goatmen), Birdmen/Harpies, Mermaids, Vampires, Cat people, Centaurs, Minotaurs and many other unnatural spiritual Man beast monsters and Hybrids aka Chimeras. The book of Enoch mention few of them and what they thought the humans upon their arrival, Asbeel, Kasdeja (gave knowledge about spirits and demons), Shernihaza (the leader, who front splicing humans gene) Samjaza, Penemue (gave access to all kinds of evil), Gadreel (everyone is familiar with his work, he was the one who enticed Eve to eat the tree of good and evil).

All the evil thought and doings of the fallen angels grew the wickedness of man on the face of the earth that they corrupted the earth with their plague and everything sinful. They thought the sons of men all the secret thing of creation and mislead them. This then made God himself regrets that he had created man (Genesis 6:5) and he seek to destroy the earth with a great deluge (Genesis 6:5-7). They are different stories of the fallen angels and believe about them. Like in the Hindu tradition of fallen angels, it's quite different, they believe that Brahma, the creator god actually made some angelic being good and evil from the very beginning because it illustrates the natural order of things and equal balance of the universe meanwhile in Islam, it's said that all angels are good including the evil ones who abides in hell that they are there ruling hell and that it's part of the divine's work. Also Satan over there is known as a Jinn (a creature made from fire and freewill). Fallen angels are responsible for tempting man to sin and causing all sort of contradictions on earth, one must avoid them. It's funny that all our fictional artists have painted our minds with no other image of the fallen angels than an angel with some dark skin, horns on forehead, batlike wings and a weird looking face. But I tell you this were the children of God and they were as pretty as the good "angel Gabriel" would look in those books. The only way they could turn to be that terrifying is if and only God the creator had lay curses upon them all that their appearance may bring nothing but fear and terror to mankind.



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