Down the 6 cometh rot Out of the clay came the tenement which is already making its way to the original states as the soul departeth Insects maketh their way in Rodent feeds on and keep the bowel satisfy through going in and out the skull.
Bacteria party the whole body Breaking down and decomposing it Aqua and heat had already worked well in hastening the matter Its dress becometh useless yes because the owner is perishing
At this states, the thinking faculty has been knocked out Therefore all form of reasoning, loving, having compassion, showing empathy, and affection are all a long way gone. Fleshy lusts, pride, honour, envy, hates, and neatness dies with it even beauty has lost its value because there's no consciousness.
Very impossible to run the grave with its loved ones neither woes So lonely the dark side away from family and friends! Poor thing! Where else could you abide? Even when put to flame you are alone on the other side awaiting the end of time.
Were you not told on that day when your woes began? That dust you came, and dust thou shalt return!
By: Albert Benjamins