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Look alike characters in Marvel and DC and their abilities.

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1. Captain America and Commander Steel.

Captain America abilities are Enhanced strength and Durability, Enhanced speed, Enhanced agility,bEnhanced senses, High-level mental processing, Accelerated Healing factor, Immunity to diseases and toxins, Slowed ageing, Master martial artist and hand-to-hand combatant, Master in armed combat, Master tactician, strategist, and field commander.

Commander Steel abilities are limited superspeed, infrared vision, enhanced hearing, Superhuman strength, invulnerability, organic metal skin.

2. Thor and Shazam.

Thor abilities are superhuman strength, endurance, wields an enchanted Uru hammer, Mjolnir, and is god of thunder and lightning.

Shazam abilities are the wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, the stamina of Atlas, the power of Zeus, the courage of Achilles and the speed of Mercury.

3. Mr fantastic and Elongated man.

Mr fantastic abilities are Genius-level intellect, Extreme superhuman elasticity, malleability, endurance Resistance to most physical assaults and electricity, Virtual immunity to psychic powers.

Elongated man abilities Superior deductive reasoning, Finite ability to stretch and shape his body Enhanced agility, and olfactory sense Greatly enhanced durability, Talented chemist.

4. Deadpool and Deathstroke.

Deadpool abilities are Extended Longevity, Telepathic Immunity, Peak human Strength, superhuman stamina, suerhuman agility, regenerative healing, superhuman Reflexes, superhuman Speed.

Deathstroke abilities are Regenerative healing factor, Master tactician, Enhanced strength, agility Heightened reflex, senses Expert marksman, swordsman, and hand to hand combatant.

5. Hawkman and Angel.

Hawkman abilities light, Weapons Expert, Intellect, Reincarnation, Miscellaneous.

Angel abilities are Flight via feathered, wings and hollow bones, Enhanced physical prowess, Flight via metal wings, Razor sharp feather projection, Aerial adaptation, Superhuman physical prowess.

6. Ant man and Atom.

Ant man abilities are Ability to shrink to sub-microscopic size, Genius-level intellect, Ability to transfer his size-shifting ability to other beings and objects, Maintains strength of normal size in shrunken state, Telepathic communication with ants, Superhuman strength, stamina, durability and mass in giant form.

Atom abilities are Ability to shrink and grow his body and other objects to varying degrees (including the subatomic level) while manipulating his weight to his advantage, Maintains strength of normal size in shrunken state, Genius level intellect.

7. Martian Manhunter and Vision.

Martian Manhunter abilities are Superhuman Strength, Superhuman speed, Superhuman Endurance, Superhuman breath, Superhuman vision, Heat vision, Electromagnetic spectrum vision, Microscopic vision, X-ray vision, Night vision, Photographic memory, Genius-level intellect, Shapeshifting, Invisibility, Intangibility, Regenerative healing factor, Flight, Martian nine senses, Telekinesis, Telepathy.

Vision abilities are Superhuman agility, intelligence, strength and speed, Flight, Density control, Intangibility, Mass manipulation, Regeneration, Solar energy projection, Technopathy.

8. Flash and Quicksilver.

Flash abilities are Immense Superhuman speed, Vast Superhuman stamina, Vast Superhuman Reflexes, Vast Superhuman Reaction, Vast Superhuman Agility, Vast Superhuman endurance, Intangibility through molecular vibration at high velocity, Speed Reading, Molecular control, Time travel and Dimension travel, Creation of vortexes, Supercharged brain-activity, Electricity and Lightning manipulation, Accelerated healing factor, Enhanced perception, Electrokinesis, Speed-Force aura, Resistance to telepathy, Rapid cellular regeneration, Speed mirage creation, Sonic shockwave projection, Memory absorption.

Quicksilver abilities are Superhuman Speed, Molecular Destabilization, Superhuman Stamina/Endurance, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Durability, Precognitive Immunity, Quick Intellect.

9. Hawkeye and Green Arrow.

Hawkeye abilities are Master Archer, Expert Marksman, Expert Acrobat, Master Martial Artist, Skilled Tactician, Weapons Proficiency Strength.

Green Arrow abilities are martial arts, Skilled hand-to-hand combatant, Brilliant fencer, Master in battle strategy, Utilizes high-tech equipment, armour, compound bow, and Expert archer, Peak human physical abilities, Peak human mental, Conditioning.



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