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Writer: Sile BlogSile Blog

1. The bright flash of light generated when lightning strikes is 186,000 miles (299,337,984 m)/second, which means that we see the flash immediately as it happens.


2. Lightning bolt is five times hotter than the surface of the sun, it is 54,000 degrees Fahrenheit (29,982.22 degree Celsius).


3. The Democratic Republic of the Congo in Central Africa has the highest frequency of lightning on Earth.


4. Lightning bolt contains 1 billion volts and contains between 10,000 to 200,000 amperes of current.”


5. Lightning flashes approximately 44 (± 5) times per second, 3 billion times a day and nearly 1.4 billion flashes per year.


6. The intense heat of the lightning generates a sound called thunder which is transmitted through the air at the speed of sound, this sound travel at 1100 feet (335.28 meters).


7. The fear of Thunder and lighting is called, “Astraphobia”.


8. According to National Geographic, annually about 2,000 people are killed worldwide by lightning.


9. The study of lightning is known as Fulminology.


10. Most of the lightning occur inside clouds, only one quarter of lightning hits the ground.


11. When lightning strikes, it seeks the shortest route to something with a positive charge, like a tall object, trees, a tall building or an unlucky a person.



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