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XXXTENTACION killed himself! And this is why

Writer: Sile BlogSile Blog

The title of this writing may seem very blunt to the hearing and like it's coming from one who had some resentment towards this young American rapper. XXXTENTACION is his known music name. His birth name is Jahseh Richardo Dwayne Onfroy. Jahseh had a little tough or say rough life as a kid; well, am not intending to write about his biography but you could read it up on his Wikipedia profile if you're athirst. Like every fan would want to know more about his/her superstar, I personally had took a fine time to review on his lifestyle, his music and the messages he sent. He could have been a melancholy in view of his temperament; you could easily tell by his moody looks, sadistic songs, emotional lyrics, his early life story and very well from his singing talent. I've heard more than enough of his songs through out his staying even those released after his death. And I've come to say that this young rapper killed himself. How? Yes! you've just asked like I expected. XXXTENTACION talked about negativity in his music, he had always let his soul and emotions drawn into his music. He knew about this and so he wanted to reach out to his fans in anyway possible. Remember he always talked about "message" think again "message". He laid emphasis on this word "message". So are you going to keep remembering X without getting his message? Let me begin like some of our great teachers. Man is a very powerful being, made body, soul and mind. Body and soul lives the product of our mind where lies the 'thought'. I quote 'thought' and yeah I did again. It's thought, it's what killed X, his thoughts! "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" ~Budda. Life is a game and nothing occurs coincidentally, everything in the World is the product of our creative mind. You might be wondering "what is this message?" Whatever is going on in your life right now and even after now (future) is the result of your thought. The life you're living, everything happening around you, circumstances, events, people, this, you all but alone brought either to project or degrade you. Remember he posted a video on Instagram saying

“If I’m going to die or ever be a sacrifice, I want to make sure that my life made at least five million kids happy or they found some sort of answers or resolve in my life regardless of the negative around my name, regardless of the bad things people say to me"

Apparently what he said happened. He did make five million kids happy and we have found answers and resolve in his life. Things to consider, Jahseh created his own destiny, he had his own goal and he achieved it. He knew he was going to die because he wanted to. If you were his fan you will get a clue of it now. Most of his songs were very sadistic and highly electro negatively charged (I want to use the chemistry term). You and I know that feeling we get from most of those songs, almost like drug his songs were. If you were sad and decide to listening to music; so your choice was his song titled 'alone'. You wouldn't want to get out of that mood, this is why I compare it to drug. You feel weak, feel you're just alone and that the world is against you. XXXTENTACION constantly filled his mind with thoughts of negative situations, awful moment. He also said, “If worse thing comes to worst, and I f***ing die a tragic death or some s*** and I’m not able to see out my dreams, I at least want to know that the kids perceived my message and were able to make something of themselves and able to take my message and use it and turn it into something positive and to at least have a good life", here he is trying to say, you listen to some of his negative songs, you change it to positive to yourself for good. You can imagine, such a warning I will call it, I appreciate him for that since I came to realize myself so far.

He constantly sang about death and suicide, making videos of him being hanged (Riot)

and in a Coffin (Sad).

This were all terrible things to do as our thoughts and actions could lead us to the reality we may like or dislike. Thinking of something continuously would only bring more of like thoughts. If for example you're depressed, and you decide doing everything a depressed person does; you will only end up drown in the pool of depression. “Do not let your depression make you. Do not let your body define your soul, let your soul find your body. Your mind is limitless. You are worth more than you can believe. All you have to do is dream and all you have to do is want to fulfill that dream and have the strength”. Jahseh had advice his fans on this, "don't let your depression make you" don't let your canal mind make you "don't let your body define your soul" don't let your conscious mind over power your subconscious mind, "let your soul find your body", let your subconscious find your conscious, "your mind is limitless" he knew about the infinite power of the creative mind, the acting force behind what we think to become our reality. "You're worth more than you can believe" You have all it takes to define yourself and not the situation around you. "All you have to do is dream.." One of his music video I didn't find funny was 'SAD'. Although he meant completely the opposite. . . destroying his old self and being a new individual. But you must know that the universe doesn't understand negative words like 'don't'. You say "I don't want to die", it hears "I want to die"; constant fear of something brings that thing to reality, get more idea of this on a book "the Secret" by Rhonda Byrne. For the mere fact that XXXTENTACION constantly thought of death and portrayed it in all way possible. He even make-believe of it by laying in a coffin in the video 'SAD'. Albeit he didn't say he "doesn't want to die" here but he was welcoming thoughts of death, acting circumstances of it, making believe and finally he got shot that faithful day of June 18, 2018 of June 18, 2018 while leaving a motorcycle shop in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. How sad he died so early, so young, he was only 20! But he knew, still don't understand? How about this other message? "If worse thing comes to worst, and I f***ing die a tragic death or some s*** and I'm not able to see out my dreams, I at least want to know that the kids perceived message and were able to make something of themselves and able to take my message and use it and turn it into something positive and to at least have a good life" it's bizarre his dreams was to die and he knew he won't see people happy after his death and that was the worse that came to worst. Creepy right? Check this out "kids perceived my message" he said this in past and it's already fulfilled". Just because his songs were full of negatives (the messages) so he said "turn it into something positive and to at least have a good life" No one can have a good life full of negatives so this negatives must turn into positives to have a good life. Are you getting the message now? He said again “I don’t give a f*** because I know my goal in the end and I know what I want for everyone and I know what my message is. I just wanted to say, I appreciate and love all of you and I believe in you all". Let's break it down a bit "I know my goal in the end (die and make people happy and find answers) "and I know what I want for everyone" (getting his message for a better life) "I know what my message is" he added, he already appreciated and believed in his fans. He acted like he has already played his role. He absolutely knew it was going to end soon! His songs were all good and you could still listen to it, only don't get your emotions attached because you will manifest whatever it brings to you creating your reality. Like X did, he got his emotions attached to this negative songs and that's what he got in return, the death he has always wanted. "The emotions are incredible thing that we have to let us know what we're thinking"~Bob Doyle. So if you know a song about happiness, fun, money, and all good things life could bring, sing and get attached. It's important to keep your thoughts right. Extirpate all negative thoughts and know what you're thinking so you won't get any surprise when you have it manifested. It's strange that he had a dream of being a sacrifice to make millions happy, he did had the strength to live and fulfill that dream. Jahseh's message in conclusion is that you turn all his lyrics into positives so you can find answers and be happy. You might be wondering "how can I turn negative to positive?" Let's thank X for his dreams to make you and I happy, perhaps you had a bad image of him in your mind you can use his message for good in your life and see the good in him. While singing his songs "Orlando" for example "I've been waiting on death put a smile on my face so this is the end" you can sing that along to avoid breaking the rhythm but your mind should be "I've been waiting on life put a smile on my face so this is the beginning" and new beginning for you right? You should probably thank him for such wonderful messages by singing his song "Sad" as "I'm happy I know ya, I'm happy I know ya". Congratulations you've cracked the code and you're happy you know him. "That a man can change himself. . . and master his own destiny is the conclusion of every mind who is wide-awake to the power of right thought" ~Christian D. Larson. No doubt if XXXTENTACION had been always positive in his thoughts and actions he would have been yet still alive to entertain more.


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