1. Riddle: What's nowhere but everywhere, except where something is?
Answer: Nothing.
By: Cory Michael Smith in Gotham.
2. Riddle: What has yellow skin and writes?
Answer: A ball-point banana.
By: Adam West in batman 1966.
3. Riddle: What do a dead man, a cruise ship and emu have in common?
Answer: Nothing.
By: Cory Michael Smith in Gotham.
4. Riddle: Thirty white horses upon a red hill. First they Tramp. Then they Stamp. Now they stand still.
Answer: Teeth.
By: Martin Freeman in the hobbit.
5. Riddle: What is the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space, the beginning of every end and the end of every race?
Answer: The letter ‘E’.
By: The riddler in batman 1948.
6. Riddle: I am flora, not fauna,
I am foliage, not trees,
I am shrubbery, not grass,
What am I?
Answer: Ambush
By: The riddler in young justice.
7. Riddle: Why is a raven like a writing desk?”
Answer: There is no answer!
By: The Mad Hatter in Alice in the wonderland.
8. Riddle: What’s round, but not always around? It’s light sometimes; it’s dark sometimes, Everyone wants to walk all over me.
What am I?”
Answer: The moon.
By: Jason Statham in transporter 2
I could answer 5