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Do we have our guardian angels with us today?

Writer: Sile BlogSile Blog

Updated: Feb 29, 2020

Saying man has a guardian angel may seems to be a clumsy believe to most christians. Some wonder about the unbelievers of Christ and his father but one must know it does not matter your religion or what you believe. Why? because it's the dealing of the supreme God(Jehovah). BUT AT FIRST, LET US HAVE A CLUE WHO THEY REALLY ARE THEN WE SHALL COME TO KNOW WHAT THEY DO AND HOW THEY AFFECT US. Angels are spiritual beings created by God (Psalms 104:4; 148:2-5) himself to help him with the affairs of Heaven and Earth (Genesis 28:10-12). Each of them are directly created and they are innumerable (Hebrews 12:22). Although the Bible has not mention anything on when exactly their creation took place but see the event of Job 38:4-7. Angels have no body but can assume the form of man (Genesis 19:1, 12-13) "the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah by two men who came to visit Lot and his household" also Genesis 18:1-2. However they have no gender explained Jesus Christ in Matthew 22:28-30, albeit most of the verses in the Bible describe them in the masculine gender but consider the vision of the prophet Zechariah in the book of Zechariah 5:9. Do not forget that masculinity and femininity are biological, angels do not procreate like we do.

Unlike God, angels are not Omnipresent (that is to say they are at one place at a time, Daniel 9:21-23; 10:10-14). Only God has the power to be in diverse places all at once, you cannot imagine what that feels right? not even the angels! "let me go, for the day breaketh" that was a desperate statement made by a man who Jacob wrestled with in Genesis 32: 24-26 when he was left alone upon sending his family over the brook of Jabbok. Jacob had prevailed that he desperately cried out. I point out that his time was up and he needed to return to Heaven lest he turns human. (what other reason would cause his rush? or could it be he would have attained the human form permanently? I can't tell). That was an angel who wrestled with Jacob. Jacob addressed him as "God" verse 30. From this event, I come to conclude that angels too are "sufferers of time"! although they have no chronological age.

They think and reason, that gives birth to consciousness and they choose from what they can do or not, [they have freewill, Genesis 34:28-29] so far as it doesn't contradicts God's will. Zechariah was caused by angel "Gabriel" to be dumb for having doubt that his wife shall conceive a child also as a sign for the prophecy of the child's birth (Luke 1:18-20).

Angels fly swiftly in space (Daniel 9:21). They are not being obstructed by any obstacles and do not run outta space that is why where ever we are, they are. I can not tell if angels have wings except the Cherubims.

Angels are powerful but their power is all subjected to God's power and His purpose (2Samuel 24:16; Psalms 103:20; 2, 2Peter 2:11). See the event of 2Kings 19:35, where a single angel singlehandedly killed 185,000 men of Assyrians. Read Acts 12:23, there King Herod was smote by an angel of God by not giving God the glory. The rolling away of the tomb stone by an angel in Matthew 28:2 and the released of Peter from prison in Acts 12:5-8.

Now it is funny to say that angels do eat because it's widely clear that they are spirits, where is the bodily part that takes the meal? but you have to know this is true. The Psalmist made it very clear, "man did eat angels' food" (Psalms 78:24-25). Elijah was offered a baked cake by an angel of God, of course that was an heavenly meal I will call it (1Kings 19:5-7). And they accept hospitality (Genesis 18:1-8) also read Hebrews 13:2, they do eat our food too.

Again all angels have names but on several occasions where humans encounter angels, they refused telling their names (Genesis 32:29). And unto a man by name "Manoah" did an angel declare that it is a secret (Judges 13:17-18) "17. And Manoah said unto the angel of the LORD, What is thy name, that when thy sayings come to pass we may do thee honour? 18. And the angel of the LORD said unto him, Why askest thou thus after my name, seeing it is secret?". Although, we have two mentioned in the bible. Angel "Gabriel" (the messenger angel depicted with a Trumpet) first appears twice to Daniel in Daniel 8:16; 9:21 and to Virgin Mary announcing the birth of Jesus (Luke 1:26-38). Angel "Michael" (warrior angel depicted in armour) being the only angel by the title "archangel" is said to be the leader of all other angels [Daniel 10:13; 12:1; Jude 9 and (Revelation 12:7-8 reveal he is the leader of angels)]. The book of Tobias (Tobit 12:15) named angel "Raphael" (the healing angel depicted with a staff) where he guide and heal Tobit and free Sara from the demon Asmodeus. He is also said to be the angel responsible for stirring the healing pool in Bethesda in the Gospel of John (John 5:4). "I am Raphael, one of the seven who stand before the Lord" (Tobit 12:15). Raguel, Remiel, Saraqael and Uriel are four angels among the seven mentioned in the book of Enoch, (Enoch 20:1-8) a book found in the Bible of the Oriental Orthodox Church of Ethiopia. Revelation of John reveals "seven angels" (Revelation 8:2) and Michael and Gabriel are the only two (angels of light) named in the Bible, summing up is equals to 7. Notice something? their names all end with "el". The evil angels are also mention anyway. "Abaddon" being the ruler of hell (Gehenna) described in Revelation 9:11 and "Beelzebub" Chief of the devils (Luke 11:15).


Yes we do, flipping through the pages of the Bible one should not neglect the idea or fail to have the knowledge that man has a guardian angel and that their stay in his life depends on the things he does. God gives his angels to take charge over us all the time of our lives, read the Christian's favorite Bible chapter Psalms 91:11. They communicate with us through dreams and visions like they do to the people of the old (Genesis 31:11; Matthew 2:19; 2:20) and through the mind, bringing to us thoughts, images and ideas that we may sometimes neglect. Inventor Elias Howe's idea for the design of the sewing machine was based on dream. The composer Mozart said that many of the themes for his music came to him in dreams also claim the Chemist Friedrich August Kekule von Stradonitz that he discovered the shape of benzene molecule. It must have been ideas offered to them by their guardian angels.

Guardian angels guides and give directions to God's people as well as protection (Genesis 24:7, 40; Exodus 23:20; Numbers 20:16). God gave his angel to go before and after the Israelites while they journeyed through the wilderness. Another events in the new testament also shades more light on this (Acts 5:17-20; 8:26, 10:3-7,22) and the seven angels sent to the seven churches in the book of Revelation chapter 2 and 3.

Our guardian angels gives us comfort and encouragement in all situations (Acts 27:22-24). Christ himself after being tempted by the devil came angels who ministered unto him. Again came an angel when the time for his crucifixion was at hand (Luke 22:41-43).

They do not instill fear in us, one can see from the Bible, almost everytime angels appear to humans they say "fear not" (Genesis 21:17; Joshua 8:1; 10:12; Daniel 10:12; 10:19; Matthew 28:5; Luke 1:13; 1:30; 2:10) They are here to protect us even Satan the Devil know this (Matthew 4:5-6).

An angel of God shuts the Lions' mouth from doing any harm to Daniel in the Lion's den (Daniel 6:22). Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were cast into a burning fiery furnace by King Nebuchadnezzar upon their refusal to worship his idol god and Jehovah God gave his angel of which his presence in the furnace turned it cold for these faithful men (Daniel 3:1-28). They look after the little children Matthew 18:10 which says " take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, that in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my father which is in heaven", no wonder why children's prayer are given quick responses and being that they are forgiving spirits, how lovely! This statement of Christ gives us a little clue about the government in heaven. Just as the officers and guards who are allowed to see the king face to face and enjoy the closest possible relationship in every human Kingdom, same implies to the statement of Christ on the type of relationship the children's angels have with God. Could it be there is ranking of angels in heaven? read "the Summa theologica" of St Thomas Aquinas (the Angelic doctor) they are clarifications on that. "From the moment of his birth man has an angel guardian appointed to him".... St Thomas Aquinas. Yes our guardian angels are right there with us right from birth, "right from the very moment of union of soul and body"...St Anselm. (meaning that during pregnancy the mother is surrounded by the sum of her guardian and her child's).

We do not know a specific number of angels we posses but "lucky are you if you have enough guardian to form a hockey team" and "rest assured if they are as plenty as pumpkin seeds" stated an article I came across while surfing the net. The scripture hasn't specify on how many they are but they are and if not one (Luke 22:44-43), are up to two or more. (Palms 91:11; Matthew 4:6). Do not be confused, man has the freewill to do whatever it pleases him. Having spirit made in the image of God which dwells in this tenement of clay (the fleshy mortal body), this part of man is capable of thinking, reasoning, believing, understanding, obeying, gaining, happiness etc and it is susceptible to divine impression and the freedom to do good or evil. Our guardian angels are good angels of God and all they do for us is good, they do not direct us on lies and crimes, "the cruelty of man is based on his own freewill, gradually with time fully lead by the evil angels"...Albert Benjamin. Yes they are evil angels who are powerful too and posses all this characteristics of the good angels but the only distinction is that they are "evil" they do not want anything good for you, all they plan is mischief so therefore one could also have them when chose an evil path. You may wonder more or less how came about the evil angles, after all God created everything so why would he create evil? All of the angels in the world were created at one instance. There is a theory that we are expected to believe, "that on the first day when God made light', that the 'light' he made was the angels" (Genesis 1:3), that this is further confirmed when God “divided the 'light' from the 'darkness” referring to the "rebellion of the angels" led by Lucifer (Genesis 1:4). This is brought forth by one "Saint Augustine" I doubt, Satan the devil did not rebel against God then, much later did he began causing trouble and contradictions in Heaven (Job 2:1-7). And later wared against Michael and with some angels who took side with him (Revelation 12:7). Nevertheless he prevailed not and he was casts out of heaven down below to Earth (Revelation 12:8-9). Coming he has caused a whole lot of problems to humans, by dispatching his demons to carry out tasks where ever he wants (Luke 9:39; Matthew 17:15; Matthew 9:32; Luke 11:14-19). He is very deceitful (2Corinthian 11:14), knowing he has but a short time (Revelation 12:12). Perhaps this is the main reason why man needs a guardian angel to protect and direct his ways. You may ponder why then do we face misfortune and calamity, yes it's worth reckoning over this matter but bear in mind that it's all the will of God towards you as stated in 1Thessalonians 5:18 and the angels do not go against God's will, whatever they do (be it by their freewill) it's the will of God that it be done. Your guardian angels can appear to you but on very rare cases and sometimes you could even see in the subconscious state (that moment you see something and it seems as though you actually saw nothing). You could as well connect (hear, speak to, and even feel their presence) to your guardian angels, do not be so bewildered by my assertation. The only issue is that to do this you must free your mind so as to enable you attain the psychic realm and at this level you are already too far from being sober (1Peter 5:8) therefore information given to you could be from the devil himself, do not forget, he is very deceitful (2Cor 11:14). But if you could properly create this connection and be very certain that it is your guardian you are feeling and not some strange cold feet feelings then you're on the right path. After all man being god, (John 10:34) could do certain things he never believed he could. I never said you should worship your guardian angel, be warned that no man beguile you (Colossians 2:18). There is this believe that when we die, we become an angel. Do you think God is running out of angels? No, never, do not forget they are innumerable (Hebrews 12:22).

You can write a prayer to recite for your guardian angel(s). But here is the very first I learnt "Angel of God my guardian dear To whom God's love commits me here Even this day be at my side To light and guard To rule and guide." Amen. By Albert Benjamins



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