Humanity fits into a cosmic triangle which has three parts: the apex, the middle, and the bottom. The apex houses the gods, they are few in number with higher consciousness; the middle is inhabited by those with godly influence, they have lower consciousness; at the bottom of the triangle are those with little or no consciousness, these are the human slaves with no volition. The gods have little or nothing in common with the slaves since they have been so used and dogmatized by those at the middle and by virtue of consciousness, the slaves are far from the gods.
The godly influenced on the other hand, feel they are at the apex owing to their pride. They have lorded over the slaves because they are always at their beck and call. No man is born a slave, every man at birth is a god. Men become slaves to others because they have failed to use their sense organs, this is their tragedy.
It takes a great deal of effort and courage for the slaves to attain the apex of the triangle. The godly influenced know there is an apex where virtue, love, and wisdom reign. They know the apex furnishes no mortal pleasure and that it's dwellers keep higher laws hence, they take no advantage of the vulnerable(s). Here, there is no room for lordship.
Moreover, the godly influenced set of humans firmly hold unto their position of the triangle in view of the luxury therein and the unlawful dominion and authority they exercise on the (vulnerable) slaves. They hold strings for them to dance, this is their joy. They have vehemently refused to attain the apex, this is their sorrow. They are godly influenced because they are next to the gods, little light is what they have!
By: Fitz Benjamins