There is an energy that controls all things, as we all know, "energy can neither be created nor be destroyed". We do not know how it came about. Many a people in their deepest thoughts have given it forms hence creating religions.
One thing is certain; through this energy came all things and through it came harmony of all things. Some think of it to be God and others a force. Either way we are right, the energy here is LOVE.
Love is extended to all races of humans but its magnanimity is incomprehensible that's why we limit it when we give it a name. We name it based on our religion thus creating distinctions which promotes self elevation. This self elevation takes form the moment we begin to think of Heaven and Hell and then we begin to condemn our fellow humans, throwing them to Hell in our thoughts, we picture them suffering for their wrong doings. You who elevate yourself shall be abase, yes! because you haven't expressed one-third of this energy.
It's quite complicated in that we can not as mortals comprehend the dynamics of this energy for we are bound to discriminate, hate, oppress and undermine one another knowingly or unknowingly. This act of selfishness goes contrary to universal law of harmony which relates one thing to another.
All the elemental particles of the universe both on air, land and water operate on this principle thereby bringing about harmonious coexistence. The air particles for example work in concert to create a medium (ether) where sun rays hit the lands and waters giving them life as a result. Left for these inanimate matters, our little earth would be in peace because they seek no power, they crave for nothing rather than mutual coexistence.
Why then we humans with five organs of senses fail to transmit this energy positively unto to one another?
The ordeals we go through in life are brought to us by our selfishness unto others. My Indian friend wrote in a piece we shared thoughts on, " let's make humanism our religion", when we do, we shall at all times show love to one another, only then shall we be free from the woes of life.