Woman, a unique creature, more mortal than man whose true nature could be very complicated to comprehend. She affects life and creation through her psychic ability which is made more delicate as iodine to light, and thus more impressionable. A feeling of shame is an expression of this delicate intuition perception of a noble woman. In this cases of more delicate mercuries of the immaterial influences, what they say and think is the shadow of coming events. This is why you may wonder, you tend to listen to your mother or why what she told you finally with the passage of time came to be. Woman, from childhood learn so fast and covey the results so fast that they outrun the logic of her brother and make his acquisition poor. Plato said "women are the same as men in faculty, only less in degree". The strength of a woman comes through 'sentiment' they are more immortal and sympathetic that the voice of mankind has agreed that the same mental height through which their husband attain by toil, that this same height, they attain by sympathy with their husband. In a society, the organic office of a woman is the part she plays in education, in the care of the young and the intuition of the older children. They have become the mediator between those who have knowledge and those who want it and their fine organisation of taste and love of details make the knowledge they give better. Every or most kids would love the lesson more offered to them by a female teacher in prior to male, this is because they are so furnished and finish the society, manner and language with their thoughtful acts and emotions.
Man has made himself a slave to his own intellect, a woman has transgressed to a far extent. The starting point of greatest power of a woman is her home and hearth. A good and true woman could make a better nation and an evil one could do just the opposite. Jezebel in the old Testament book of 1Kings and 2Kings of the Bible had been just a problem to her husband and the kingdom. Meanwhile on the new Testament, somewhere in the book of Matthew where Pontius Pilate was caught up in-between his conscience and the terrifying desire of the crowd (the anti-Christ) who demanded that Jesus Christ, the just man should be crucify, his wife suffered alot in her dream and advised him on letting Christ free. A woman when drawn towards doing evil become very deadly and intoxicating. When a woman out of ignorance drawn with stupidity and lust towards gross material earth substance couple with spiritual indolence fails to recognize her true power and destroys the scared gift bestowed on her. This will lead to her intoxication, not only to herself but man and children falling from the peak of higher consciousness and self awareness to nothingness. This is the disintegration a toxic woman would bring to her environment, this is dreadful, she must watch carefully when her thoughts and self wantoning incline her mind towards life coarsest matter. A woman, when truly in love she tend to lack the mental prowess to control the morphology of her perturbation towards the man and this is why they are described as the victims of temperament. A woman could react vigorously towards a man who think he loves her, she would not let him hold her hands, no, not even a touch, it is because she is very intuitive to know that the man is only carried aware in the imaginations of his thoughts being trapped by lust. This is quite different from a man and in most cases of acceptance he becomes a victim of love! "When a woman assumes that her man knows her heart's desire, she is not wrong because what the woman's heart is prompted to desire, the man's mind is simultaneously prompted to accomplish" yes because a man who think he has find a true woman strife at exhibiting his usefulness towards the object of his affection, would want to do all things to please her and keep her soul satisfy with him. No wonder why the apostle Paul wrote in the new testament Bible that-a man when married, almost, if not all of his thoughts are towards the affairs of his wife compared to he who chooses to work all his life for the creator God like the priests and the eunuchs. A man who abides with a true woman, out of all the pleasantries she brings would work in making sure her heart desires come through by him, by his effort, by his will power because this is his joy, he can not help it, it is his true nature and there a woman finds her guardian in him, they both will be happy. It is ridiculous to use the expression "weak woman", for woman is psychically stronger than a man not in herself but through being more closely connected with the Creative Power which grants her the more delicate intuitive faculty-"Ab Ru Shin-In the light of truth". Woman is only weak towards physical and hard services thus she is incapable as the man who with strength move by an atom of aggression finishes up the job no matter how hard it may be. A true and noble woman should strife towards higher principles and laws to keep her body, soul and mind away from self destructions and vanities and seek to ascend, for this would be her sorrow if she lost her place in the creation, her true gift and an inner soundness of mind! All passionate and loving fathers, husbands and brothers put their might into the endeavour to make a daughter, wife or mother happy in the most suitable way. This is a good thing for 'women' are important to creation being that they are the source of life, bearing the seeds of men in bringing in new souls into this endless looking journey. Protect and love your daughter as a father, let your wife feel your love and care towards her if you aim at being a better husband, her true man. Brother, love, guard, and protect your mother for a true woman of subsequent creation is more precious to life than everything else.